7 Dental Emergencies That Need Immediate Treatment
A dental emergency usually arises unannounced and can severely knock you down. In
some situations, most individuals tend to handle the situation with
over-the-counter available pills, which can further deteriorate the current
condition. The best way to deal with the situation is to seek expert guidance.
However, if it’s the middle of the night or an odd time when
it’s hard to consult an expert, you need to handle your dental conditions with
utmost care. If you are unaware of how to do so, keep this guide handy.
Here, we will discuss certain dental problems and the best
possible ways to reduce the pain and discomfort for a while until you visit
your dentist. So, let’s delve into it!
Critical Dental Emergencies to Treat on
Most people mistake chronic dental issues as an emergency, which is not! Emergency dental
issues are when your gums are bleeding incessantly or you have broken veneers in Ottawa. Here are some of the most critical emergency dental problems
that you need to treat immediately:
Knocked-out Teeth
A knocked-out tooth can bleed badly, inducing severe pain and
discomfort, and is considered a critical dental emergency. You should promptly schedule a consultation
with your dentist to treat it. And for the time being, gently press the fallen
tooth back to its roots if possible.
Perhaps then your dentist can restore the teeth. Make sure not
to push it. Otherwise, it will bleed more. In case the tooth is completely
knocked out from the roots, preserve it in salt water, or salt milk for an
emergency dental restoration.
Broken or Chipped Tooth
Sometimes, biting carelessly on a hard food item can lead to a
broken or chipped tooth condition. Besides ruining your smile and appearance, a
broken or chipped tooth does hurt a lot! Leaving it untreated can cause
permanent damage, so make sure to seek emergency dental care to treat it, and
till the time frame, rinse your mouth using lukewarm water.
If it’s bleeding severely, place a clean and sterilised gauge in
the affected area. You can also try a cold compress to reduce the pain and
An Intolerable Toothache
A sudden toothache could be a sign of some underlying dental emergency, most probably tooth decay. If you take it
for granted and try to treat it with painkillers and aspirin, get ready to
embrace more critical dental issues. Painkillers and similar sorts of
medications tend to burn out the tooth tissue. So, until you get the chance to
consult your specialist, make sure to treat your toothache using a cold
Gently apply the cold compress outside your cheeks, around the
affected and pain-prone area. And make sure not to intake any medicine unless
your dentist suggests it to you.
Chipped or Cracked Veneers
Are you dealing with cracked or broken veneers in Ottaway? Well, it’s a serious issue, and you need to
schedule a consultation with your specialist within 48 hours of the accidental
event. Veneers are no doubt costly dental prosthetics, and replacing them can
cost you a lot.
In fact, chipped or cracked veneers can even cause pain and
discomfort. If you are indulged in such a situation, the first thing you need
to do is dislodge the broken portion of your veneer very cautiously.
Then, gently wrap the piece into a clean and soft cloth.
You can also prefer keeping it in a container. Then, take it to
your dentist so that he can suggest the best course of treatment.
Broken Braces
Another dental emergency that you should be concerned about is broken braces.
Braces are mostly robust and are designed to withstand general wear and tear.
However, in rare cases, they can break, crack, or stick out.
Broken braces can tend to poke your gums and cheeks, causing
intense discomfort. Additionally, it can slow down the whole teeth
straightening program. Instead of handling the condition alone, always seek
expert guidance.
And for the time being, cover the exposed dental area using a
cotton ball, gauze, or orthodontic wax. Well, broken braces can bother you a
lot. However, refrain from cutting down the wires yourself and let your dentist
take care of it.
Lost Crown or Fillings
Fillings and crowns help reinstate your damaged or chipped
tooth, restoring the functionality of the teeth while enhancing your
appearance. So, if you ever encounter a situation when your crown or fillings
crack or break, consider it a dental
emergency and treat it immediately with expert
assistance. Otherwise, you can expose your damaged tooth to reinfection.
Until your dentist treats the condition, you can try a temporary
home remedy to support your cavity while avoiding pain and discomfort. Place a
sugar-free gum into that damaged part, and make sure the gum has no sugar
content. Or else, you can get a sharp, piercing pain.
Bleeding Post-Tooth Extraction
After tooth extraction, it’s common to experience mild bleeding.
However, if the bleeding persists even after an hour of the operation, consult
your dental expert. In the meantime, you can seek relief and place a piece of gauze
on the affected area. Also, make sure to avoid smoking, rinsing, eating, or
even spitting. Stay calm, rest your mouth properly, and wait for your dentist’s
Final Words
If you cause unnecessary delays in treating your dental emergency, you can invite severe chances of infection
and even lose a tooth permanently. So you must not take the above-listed dental
conditions lightly and rush to your dentist. If your specialist is unavailable
at that time, consult any of your nearby dentists to get instant relief from
the pain and discomfort.
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